In this episode, we talk with Ben Aguilar, Director of Operations, at The Berry Center. If you aren't familiar, The Berry Center was founded by Mary Berry, the daughter of Wendell Berry, one of America's greatest writers - living or dead - and a huge source of inspiration for this season of the podcast. Wendell's deeply insightful writing about farming and food in America has had a huge impact on many environmental thinkers, not to mention farmers and food producers. The Berry Center's mission is the main topic of conversation - putting Wendell Berry's writings to work by advocating for farmers, land conserving communities and healthy regional economies. I hope you enjoy the episode. To learn more about The Berry Center, please visit I also highly recommended watching this documentary about Wendell called 'Look & See' It was made by Laura Dunn and co-produced by Nick Offerman, who must get a shout out and a hearty thank you for introducing me to Wendell and James Rebanks. Recommended Wendell Berry Books The Unsettling of America: Culture & Agriculture - What Are People For? - Bringing It To the Table: On Farming and Food - Recommended James Rebanks Books The Shepard's Life - Pastoral Song - Instagram Recommendations James Rebanks - Helen Rebanks - The Berry Center - You Can't Eat Money -
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Advocating for Farmers is Advocating for the Environment with The Berry Center
Advocating for Farmers is Advocating for the Environment with The Berry Center