Join Our Table
The You Can’t Eat Money project is a podcast and newsletter exploring the relationship we have with the rest of the planet through the food we eat.
Why food?
I’ve been involved in environmental advocacy either personally and professionally for about a decade. Anyone who has worked or is interested in this space knows the stat that about one-third of our global carbon emissions comes from our food system (agriculture, transportation, etc.) It’s a huge piece of the carbon footprint pie.
Not only is our food system a large piece of the pie, but most of us decide what to eat between three and five times a day. And what you decide to eat matters in growing or reducing that one-third of carbon emissions.
But to be clear, we’re not here to tell you what to eat. What we eat is deeply wrapped in our identify, culture and health. It’s a personal decision and I can’t pretend to know why you eat the way you do.
What we aim to do with You Can’t Eat Money is bring to you the people working to reduce that one-third. And you can decide how to use the information and ideas they share.
How should I get started?
If you’re getting this email, you’ve already taken a great first step. We’re excited to have you at our table.
While you’ll be automatically notified of new podcast episodes and new newsletter sends, we recommend checking out some of our past episodes.
Chef Dan Barber - If you are a foodie or a farmer, you probably know who Dan Barber is. He’s got his own Chef’s Table episode, he’s won countless awards for his restaurants Blue Hill and he co-founded the seed company Row 7. If there is one book I recommend reading to get your head around this podcast, it’s Dan’s “The Third Plate”. Listen On: Apple Podcasts / Spotify
Chef Douglas McMaster - Douglas created the world’s first zero waste restaurant called SILO in Brighton, which is now based in London, England. He’s an incredible systems thinker who has examined his own relationship with food at an incredibly deep level. Listen On: Apple Podcasts / Spotify
Melina Shannon-DiPietro - If you’ve signed up for You Can’t Eat Money, you probably know Chef Rene Redzepi of restaurant noma. Melina is the Executive Director of MAD, the non-profit created by Redzepi to make the future of food more sustainable for people and planet. It was a dream to get to talk to one of my idols. Listen On: Apple Podcasts / Spotify